Sustainable Solutions
The theme’s ground is based on our fundamental findings in e-beam chemistry and cinematic nanoscience, where we elucidated dynamic chemical and physical processes through high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. We investigate chemical reaction mechanisms triggered by accelerated electrons, including the cyclodehydrogenation reaction of a tailor-made molecules (Nature Chem. 2023, ACS Nano 2021), the induction of redox processes by hot electrons (PCCP 2024), the e-beam dependent changes of reaction kinetics and pathways (PNAS 2022, Micron 2022), as well as time-resolved processes through high-speed imaging (JACS 2022, BCSJ 2020).
The theme explores the untapped potential of focused electron beams
(e-beams) as an energy source for creating precise nanoarchitectures from the bottom-up by adopting an interdisciplinary approach that bridges synthetic organic chemistry and radiation chemistry of e-beams. Having access to a precision tool for the careful design of nanomaterials is pivotal to unlocking the potential of a wide range of nanotechnological applications, encompassing electronics, energy harvesting and storage, and advanced nanomedical devices. Leveraging operando high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), our goal is to unveil visually the mysteries of e-beam-mediated chemical reactions. We aim to connect time-resolved microscopic video sequences of atomic-resolution molecular-level processes with spectroscopic and spectrometric bulk techniques to establish principles governing rational e-beam chemistry. Such e-beams are routinely used in high-resolution TEMs. With those advancements in signal detection technologies, we can nowadays visualize even single molecules and atoms in real-time, providing critical insights into structural and dynamic features. However, under the continuous e-beam irradiation of molecules, they eventually decompose into unknown entities, usually classified as “beam-damage”. Thus, our primarily limited chemical understanding of e-beam-triggered reaction mechanisms hinders us from employing and controlling e-beams for the constructive synthesis of tailored structures from defined precursors.
Ultimately, we will contribute to a profound understanding of the interactions between electrons and molecules/materials, elucidating the opportunities and constraints of e-beams. At the same time, it will impact neighboring disciplines, such as astrochemistry, and the newfound knowledge will pave the way for the design of advanced nanostructures through electron beam sculpting, opening up exciting future technological possibilities.